Wednesday, September 30, 2009

There Isn't a Secret Shame Room Big Enough

Tons of new posters from The Twilight Saga: New Moon. How are the twi-hards going to pick which one to hang in their bedrooms. Or for those old enough for it to be a little creepy- their living room or craft room.

I actually own a Twilight Poster. I received it when I went to HMV at midnight to pick up my copy of the DVD when it came out. I haven't put it up. I told my friends that I would need a secret shame room in order to do that. I live in a studio - anyone coming over would see all my dirty little secrets. One day, instead of a craft room (or a nursery), maybe I will have a secret shame room to call my very own. Until that time, I will just post all my secrets for the blogosphere to see....


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