Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Madonna celebrates her birthday with the kids!

Madonna recently celebrated her 51st birthday in Italy during a quick break on her never ending world tour. Seriously, I saw her last October...... is everyone in the entire world going to have seen Madonna by the time this Sweet and Sticky tour ends?

Madonna had all of her children with her (except for Rocco, her son with Guy Ritchie), including 22 year old model boyfriend Jesus Luz. Jesus had obviously done all of his homework and chores that day as he was allowed to play with all the other kids and jump off the big-boy diving board.... weeeee! He looks so happy doesn't he? And with no floaties. Oh they grow up so fast don't they?

Ya know what, more power to her. If when I am over 50 I can get and keep a 22 year old I will be happy. But then again, I am not Madonna and am not able to offer al of the "extras that she is able to give to her boy-toy. My circumstances would have to change drastically for me to be able to take someone (let alone myself) to Portofino Italy any time soon.

I also love that Madge has a few people around to shield her from the sun. She must have forgotten that having a personal umbrella attendant is soooo 2001. Remember P.Diddy - or was he still Puff Daddy back then - ugh I don't know or care - had his personal valet Farnsworth Bentley shielding him from the sun at Cannes in 2001? Madonna definitely needs to keep her old man hands out of the sun. She can't afford any more wrinkles on those puppies.

It is a little much that one of her people has to swim carrying a frilly umbrella just so Madge is kept out of the sun. Oh Madonna, you are the wacky!


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